Subscribe to our cause

Please contact: Mr Graham Cook , Hon. Secretary


Advantages of becoming a subscriber, corporate or private individuals

  • You will receive regular news bulletins giving details of events being organised by the Trust
  • You will receive invitations to lectures and the Summer Party
  • You will receive information about grant awards
  • You will receive information regarding any changes in the Trust

Who is eligible to become a subscriber?

  • Anyone can become a subscriber to the Trust
  • Church Committees of all Christian churches in the county of Lincolnshire

What does it cost ?

  • Family Subscription £25 a year (minimum subscription)
  • Single subscription £20 a year (minimum subscription)
  • Parish Subscription £20 a year (minimum subscription)
  • Life Subscription £250

What method of payment can be used ?

  • By cheque to the address above
  • Or by selecting your choice on the bottom

We can claim back the tax element, thus increasing your gift

Have you considered leaving a legacy in your will ?

Your solicitor will advise you of the correct procedure
A legacy payable to a charity is not subjected to Death Duty

Lincolnshire Churches Trust is a Registered Charity, number : 509021

I would like to subscribe to a yearly donation to Lincolnshire Churches Trust

Charitable Giving Declaration

I want the Charity to reclaim tax on all donations I make on or after the date of this declaration or which I have made since 6th April 2000.

I understand that I must pay an amount of U.K. Income tax or Capital Gains Tax in the relevant year equal to any tax claimed by Lincolnshire Churches Trust. I confirm that I am a U.K. Taxpayer, and that I will advise the Trust if this situation changes.


Donate a lifetime subscription to Lincolnshire Churches Trust

Charitable Giving Declaration

I want the Charity to reclaim tax on all donations I make on or after the date of this declaration or which I have made since 6th April 2000.

I understand that I must pay an amount of U.K. Income tax or Capital Gains Tax in the relevant year equal to any tax claimed by Lincolnshire Churches Trust. I confirm that I am a U.K. Taxpayer, and that I will advise the Trust if this situation changes.